Silver Linings
April 16, 2018
Those who know me best are aware that I always look for the silver lining when anything bad happens. It is always there if you leave yourself open enough to find it. And I find one, again, during my recovery from recent medical problems.
Part of my treatment program is to spend time laying on my Biomat each day. This is usually a quiet retreat and sometimes includes a nap for me. But something magical happens when my granddaughter, Auryn, is visiting. She sees me heading for the treatment room and knows that she can have me captured for awhile with no computer or phone for business. She can expect my undivided attention – if she can keep me awake! It has become a beautiful bonding time for us.
It is a time when she lets me visit her four year old mind and I get a chance to see the world from her view. Sometimes she ballet dances around the massage table. But today she had to rescue us from the imaginary lava that was flooding the treatment floor.It is always something different.
Before she begins her entertainment or daring rescue, she always takes time to set the mood first. She picks gentle music from my playlist, usually a little louder than I prefer. She sets the lighting to her mood, not mine, which usually means full lights so she can see everything in the room. She has learned to fit the face cradle into the massage table in hopes of a massage by grandma when I am finished with the Biomat. Then I am often treated to sounds from a singing bowl which she has learned to dong for vibration. But the actual art of singing the bowl still alludes her.
My favorite time of all is when she turns into her student role. Her curiosity will always find something in the room that interests her. She will ask if she can use it and I offer for her to bring it to the table so I can show her about it. Her young mind is so eager to explore everything. She lacks the callousness, provided by society that many get as they get older, that makes it difficult for them to see and feel the energies around them. It is a real treat to be her teacher.
We have explored the healing energies of sound through the bowls, drums, rattles, tuning forks and tingsha bells stored around my room. She is too young to learn the art of muscle testing or to successfully use her arm for testing. But it is amazing how tuned in she is with simpler intuitive methods. She can put one hand on my leg and use her other hand to intuitively pick flower essences she thinks I need. She is usually very accurate with this method.
Today we explored the pendulum. She can do a test to ask it what is a yes or no response. We then laid out a variety of rocks. She then asked each rock, "Is this a good rock for me?" Both the pink calcite and the angelite said yes. Both are perfect for her.
She makes my healing time more healing and fun. Our time together is a real silver lining for me right now.