Find a Teacher
Teachers located on this page have successfully completed classes and passed a test to become a Certified Sacred Stone Grid teacher. Your teacher has agreed to supply you with a book or class text created by Spirit Whisperings specifically for learning about creating stone grid layouts. Teachers will cover all areas of this text but are also free to add additional information that they feel is interesting and worthy of being included in your class. Please contact the teachers in your area for information on upcoming classes.
Spirit Whisperings makes no claims other than the above statement and does not guarantee your class in any way. Your teacher carries the sole responsibility of all aspects of your class. Compliments or any disputes need to be directed to your teacher.
This list of teachers was current as of the date of Elaine's passing (August 14, 2020). Spirit Whisperings in no longer certifying teachers.
Marilyn Jane
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
Patricia Autry
Mermaid Botanicals
Aurora, CO 80015
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
JoAnn Fava
Danbury, CT 06810
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
Terreasa Burgess, CCH
Enchanted Thyme Gift Shop
10 Hakes Ave Ste 101
Hormell, NY 14843 (opens new tab)
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
Joann Ready
Soul Shine
Mountain Top, PA 18707
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
Nancy Hofeditz-Johnson
Into the Light
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Certified to teach:
- Sacred Stone Grids level 1-3
We at Spirit Whisperings feel that your Sacred Stone Grid class is best learned from a certified teacher in a class or workshop setting. You just can't beat the sharing of energy that happens when class members concentrate together to learn something new. The ability to feel the amplification of energy of a Sacred Stone Grid as it is being built is best felt in person. A chance to handle different stones provided by your teacher and to experiment with different grid layouts can be magic. We encourage you to seek the expertise of one of our teachers listed above. Some will travel to teach a class.
But some of you may not live close enough to entice a teacher to your area. In that case we recommend the online classes taught by a teacher certified by us.